Simplify your medical notes


for patient families, friends, and relatives

a one-stop solution to provide efficient communication and increased accessibility towards health conditions, lab results, imaging, doctor notes and medical summaries.

Medical Note

IMPRESSION: 1. No acute infarct or new hemorrhage. 2. Evolving hemorrhagic parenchymal contusions with similar vasogenic edema contributing to unchanged 3 mm midline shift. No herniation. 3. Scattered microbleeds involving the supratentorial cortical/subcortical white matter, corpus callosum, basal ganglia, thalami, midbrain, and pons. Given traumatic injury, findings likely represent some degree of traumatic brain injury, though correlation with prior outside imaging would be useful for differentiating sequela of chronic hypertension and/or underlying cerebral amyloid angiopathy. 4. ASL hyperperfusion in the left posterior cerebral hemisphere raises concern for seizure. Correlate clinically. 5. No venous ASL signal to suggest arteriovenous shunting status post AV fistula embolization. 6. No flow-limiting stenosis. 7. Mild irregularity in the left M2 MCA branches may represent mild vasospasm in the setting of SAH. Correlate clinically. 8. Known left supraclinoid ICA blister aneurysm is not well visualized due to motion.



There is no recent stroke or additional acute bleeding in the brain. The existing blood is continuing to evolve and will take time for the body to absorb. There is no midline shift (movement/displacement) of brain tissue.

最近沒有發生中風或腦部出現額外的急性出血。 現有的血液還在不斷進化,需要時間才能被身體吸收。 腦組織沒有中線移位(運動/移位)。


understand implications of current medications on pre-existing conditions, dosage, frequency, etc.


an abbreviated version of doctor notes, summaries with key ideas in simplified format and references to original file.


all functionalities translated into your mother language for ease of comprehension and easily shareable.


a list of AI generated questions to ask your medical provider to better gain clarity around decision-making, etc.

lab results

interactive graphs of lab results, links to data charts versus baseline trends/average and target ranges.

next steps

resources on power of attorneys, advance care directives, POLST forms, before you are asked for these things.

Our story

We started ClearCare to help our parents and relatives.

Electronic health records are designed for healthcare professionals and contain complex medical jargon.

For underrepresented groups and ethnicities, language is often a massive barrier as well.

Medical records and test results are hard to understand.

We aim to change that.


built by students and alumni from

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